
Dealing with sexual harassment in NJ: Call an attorney!


Sexual harassment at work is unlawful, unethical, and should be reported. Despite the #meetoo movement and push for gender equality, sexual harassment is way too common in New Jersey. If you have suffered such harassment at work, you need to take action and hold the person responsible for their action. Depending on your circumstances, you may even recover financial compensation for your suffering. In your best interests, you may want to talk to an employment attorney New Jersey, to know your interests better. 

Understanding sexual harassment

So, what is sexual harassment exactly? When someone is subjected to offensive sexual conduct, it is a clear case of sexual harassment. For instance, if a supervisor is asking for sexual favors in return of a promotion, this is harassment. Or, someone in your office is probably sending lewd remarks, messages and texts for a while, or passing comments on your looks or body. Also, there are other straight textbook examples of sexual harassment, such as molestation and rape. It is important to understand that if you want to file a case, you have to prove your claim. Filing a sexual harassment case is easier said than done, and legal advice can be really valuable in this context. 

How to take action?

Just a one-off incident, such as someone passing a comment at you, may not be enough to file a sexual harassment case. However, if someone touched you inappropriately, sends sexual messages frequently, or tries to molest in one way or the other, you need to file a case. No matter who the person is, you need to report the matter to your HR department. All companies must have clear policies and procedures on how sexual harassment cases and complaints are handled. The next step is to contact a reliable attorney in New Jersey. They can help in filing a claim with New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR). 

Compensation for sexual harassment

If you were able to prove your case against the harasser, you can get compensation, including compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory compensation will cover for your economic and noneconomic damages, including loss of wages, suffering, pain, and other hardships. Punitive damages can be recovered in many cases, where the court finds it necessary to punish the harasser further. 

Get evidence

If you believe that someone is behaving in a way that makes you uncomfortable, consider talking to a lawyer. You must gather evidence to prove your sexual harassment case. 

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